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CB3463-1型液压半自动转塔车床转塔刀架设计 学 院:机械工程学院 专 业 班 级:机自1102班 学 号:0401110215 学 生 姓 名:马康捷 2015 年 1 月 摘 要 根据工件的加工精度和大批量生产地具体要求,我们认为选择CB3463转塔车床专用加工设备较为适宜。由于CB3463转塔车床是按系列化、标准化、通用化原则设计的高效率专用设备,其设计成本较低,结构成熟可靠,使用维修方便,生产效率高,可以较好的满足工件的加工精度和大批量生产要求。 为了提高自动化程度,较少操作者的劳动强度,在该机床中间底座上装有气动夹具,用于安装工件。且机床变速方式是采用液压预选变速机构,液压油推动油缸中的液压摩擦片式离合器控制齿轮啮合,实现主轴变速。机床工作时,装三把车刀的车斗主轴,由单独电机驱动作回转运动,通过电磁制动器实现制动。同时左右两车头分别由左右侧底座上的液压滑台带动作进给运动。为了较好的解决排屑和防护等问题,该机床设置了强制润滑冷却系统和切屑回收站。 我们这次设计主要是对CB3463转塔车床的主轴箱和后刀架进行设计,其主传动系统采用三种变速形式,即滑移齿轮块、液压摩擦片式离合器和多速电机。前后刀架的纵向、横向进给和转塔刀架的纵向进给与抬刀转位均由液压活塞油缸驱动。转塔刀架采用齿牙盘定位,并有微抬让刀装置。 本机床采用了机械、液压、电动、气动联合自动控制,方便的实现了加工过程自动化,提高了机床的可靠性。可见,该机床是一台自动化程度较高的半自动转塔车床。 关键词:床头箱;预选变速;半自动;后刀架 Abstract According to the workpiece machining precision and mass production requirements, we think that the choice CB3463-1 turret lathe machining equipment suitable for. Due to the combination of lathe is according to the principle of generalization and seriation, standardized design of special equipment, high efficiency, low cost, the design mature reliable, structure, convenient usage and maintenance, high production efficiency, and can better satisfy the workpiece machining precision and mass production requirements. In order to enhance the automation degree, the labor intensity, less operator in the machine equipped with pneumatic fixture base for the installation of workpiece. And the way is using hydraulic machine, hydraulic oil primary transmission of hydraulic oil cylinder promote seven-piece clutch friction shaft gear, achieve control of speed. Machine work, three tool car by separate axis, fight for rotary motion, motor driven by electromagnetic brake realize braking. While both sides respectively by car on the base of the hydraulic slider to drive for sport. In order to better solve problems such as scraps discharge and protection, the machine set the compulsory cooling and lubrication scraps. This design is mainly to the CB3463 turret lathe spindle box and back to carry on the design,


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