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荔湾区第三届“张道真杯”英语知识邀请赛暨 广州市小学英语能力竞赛荔湾区预赛 (听力部分 50分) 一. 听句子,选出句子含有的信息,并将所选答案的字母编号写在答题卷上相应题号后的横线上。每个句子读一次。(10分) 1 . A. the twelfth boy from the left B. the twentieth boy from the right C. the twelfth boy from the right 2. A. yaojic@126.com B. yaojie@126.com C. jaiyei@126.com 3. A. thirty pounds B. thirteen pounds C. thirty yuan 4. A. 280 kilos B.218 kilos C. 318 kilos 5. A. 1,500people B. 1,500 pupils C. 7,500 pupils 6. A: John will stay at home just in case.B: John will see the doctor just in case. C: John will ask for leave just in case. A: They were at the butcher’s . B: They were at the baker’s. C: They were at the hairdresser’s. A: She doesn’t want to take any chances. B: She doesn’t want to take any medicines. C: She doesn’t want to take any belongs. 9. A: Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have the measles. B: Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have a flu. C: Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children might have a toothache. 10. A: On weekends we won’t sit in the living room and watch TV. B: On weekends we will sit in the living room and watch TV. C: On weekdays we won’t sit in the living room and watch TV. 二、听录音,并根据录音里的问题选择答案。请把正确答案的编号写在答题纸上相应的横线上。(10分) 11. A. About B. Over C. Under 12. A. About. B. Every place. C. A circle. 13. A. Son of the king. B. Daughter of the king. C. Wife of the king. 14. A. Dialogue. B. Text. C. Stories. 15. A. England. B. A place full of trees. C. A place far away. 16. A. A place for shopping. B. A place for playing. C. A building for Christian worship. 17. A. Heavy rain. B. Strong wind. C. Sunny days. 18. A. A person who talks a lot. B. A person who is very strict. C. A person who is very kind. 19. A. Modern country. B. A c



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