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A R _ Useful Expressions 1 A R _ Useful Expressions 2 A R _ Useful Expressions 3 so much so that so much so that: to such an extent He is ill, so much so that he can’t get out of bed. Some parents spoil their children, so much so that they never ask them to do any housework. 11. apply: be relevant to sb./sth; have an effect (the pattern: apply to sb./ sth适用 The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. He applied himself to learning French. (致力于) Apply for sth priority n. sth that one must do before anything else; sth that holds a high place among competing claims 优先考虑的事,重点 Earning enough money to support his family is his top/first priority. 挣钱养家是他首要考虑的事。 You must decide what your priorities are. 你应该分清轻重缓急。 This project has priority over all others.比…有优先权 Nowadays students usually give priority to English and computer studies. Banks normally give priority to large businesses when deciding on loans enjoy priority in 在…方面享受优先权 Official business requirements obviously take/have priority over personal requests (= Official business matters will be dealt with first). harbor vt. 1) keep sth, secretly in one’s mind 怀有 Hes been harboring a grudge (dislike) against her ever since his promotion was refused. We harbor no illusions about him. 我们对他不抱幻想。 2) to protect someone or something bad, especially by hiding them when the police are looking for them包庇;窝藏 to harbor a criminal n.海港,港湾 Our hotel room overlooked a pretty little fishing harbour. Victoria Harbor in HK contrast vt. compare two things so that differences are made clear In his book, he contrasts the Chinese way of education with/and American way of education. n. 对比,对照;悬殊差别 There is a striking/sharp contrast between A and B. By/in contrast, she is much more out-spoken. His white hair was in sharp contrast with/to his dark skin. 与…形成对比 In contrast to the hot days, the nights are rather cool. comparable a. that can be comared with sth 比得上的,可比的(cf. compatible: sth that exist or wor


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