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During the Jin Dynasty, a young boy named Wang Xiang (Wang the Lucky) lost his mother to illness. 在晋朝,王祥,琅琊人,生母早丧 His father took another wife so that the boy would have maternal care. His stepmother, however, was a bad-tempered, evil-natured woman, who took a dislike to her stepson, and often berated him in front of his father. 父亲娶了继母,因此,王祥得照顾怀孕的继母。继母脾气暴躁,不喜欢他,经常背着父亲打他。 This went on incessantly, and eventually, she managed to turn Lucky Wangs father against the boy. Despite this hardship, Lucky Wang remained devoted in his filial regard for them both. 渐渐的,继母朱氏多次在他父亲面前说他的坏话,使他失去父爱。尽管如此,王祥还是尽心的照顾她。 One winter it was unusually cold, and snow fell for many days. The snow piled up on all sides of the house, and the small creek nearby froze solid with ice. 在一个很冷的动态,冰已经结了好多天。雪堆积在房子的四周,小河也已经结冰了。 The severe weather forced the family indoors, and all the animals found shelter wherever they could. The world outdoors was a broad blanket of white. Wang Xiangs stepmother took sick. She craved medicine, and her thoughts fixed on the image of fresh fish. 恶劣天气迫使家里和所有的动物都想找个温暖的地方,屋外雪白,继母生病了,必须得找鱼做药引子。 She demanded fresh carp as medicine to cure her illness. As it was still snowing, and everywhere the rivers had long since frozen solid, where could fresh fish be found? Lucky Wang was a dutiful son, however, and could not bear seeing his parents unhappy. 继母需要鱼来治病,因为它还下雪,处处河流早已结冰,哪里去找活鱼呢?他不想惹怒继母。 He forced his way out into the cold and walked to the creek side to see what he could do. The snow was piled deep, and the boy shivered in the cold. 他强迫自己出路到寒冷和走到小溪边想看看自己到底能做什么,雪堆积深,男孩在寒冷的颤抖 He looked and looked, but found no access to running water. Tired and disappointed, he sat down on the ice and lamented his failure to find fish to cure his mother. 他看了又看,但发现没有自来水,又累又失望,他坐下来在冰和哀叹他未能找到治愈他的母亲的鱼。 Having no way to solve the problem, he simply let his tears flow. An idea came to him as he cried, and having no recourse, in his desperation, he removed his coat and shirt, and lay down on the


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