Beauty Dies.ppt

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Beauty Dies

Beauty Dies 香消玉殒 The sudden death of an admired public person always seems impossibility. 受公众敬慕的名人突然撒手人寰似乎总是令人难以接受。 People ascribe invulnerability, near immortality to our centers of attention. 人们把自己心目中的偶像皆视为超脱病灾,近乎不朽。 John Kennedy dies, and it could not happen. 约翰·肯尼迪遭暗杀归天?这是不可能的事! John Lennon dies, and it could not happen. 约翰·列农死于非命?这是不可能的事! Elvis, and Grace Kelly, and shock after shock. 埃尔维斯和格雷斯·凯丽等人相继辞世,都使人接连不断地感到震惊。 And now this death of a young woman by whom the world had remained transfixed from the moment she first appeared before it, whose name contained the shadow of her end: Princess Di. 现在又传来一位年轻女子瘁死的消息。这位女子从第一次公开亮相的那一刻起就一直令全世界瞩目。黛妃的名字隐隐约约也预示了她的归宿,因为在英语中,黛安娜的昵称与“死亡”谐音。 But who would have believed it? People thought every thought that could be thought about Diana, but not death. 在此之前,谁会想到她会突然离我们而去?人们对黛安娜有过千般想像,万般猜测,惟独没有想到她会死。 She was beauty, deaths antithesis. 因为她是国色天香,可谓与死神天各一方。 Beauty is given not only a special place of honor in the world but also a kind of permanence, as if it were an example of the tendency of nature to perfect itself, and therefore something that once achieved, lives forever. 绝代佳人不仅在世上享有殊荣而且还被赋予了某种永恒。这就好似大自然为有意要使自己完美无缺而端出来的造化物,一旦定型,万世不朽。 Her life never seemed as tragic as it was often made out--just sad, and a little off. 她的一生看来也从不像人们常认定的那样充满悲剧性,只是颇为伤感,有点不尽如人意罢了。 She married the wrong man. Her in-laws could be vindictive. 她错嫁了夫君,其姻亲们可能对她也怨恨有加。 For every photographer eager to capture a picture of her in one of those astonishing evening gowns or hats, another was skulking in the bushes ready to bring her down. 她的一款款晚礼服,一顶顶靓帽都曾使她看上去如同仙女下凡一般。在这种场合,每每有摄影师急切地要摄下她的丽影。而在别的什么场合,却另有人会躲在暗处,手拿相机,随时准备拍她的隐私照片来诋毁她。 One cannot think of any public statement of hers that was especially brilliant or witty. 人们根本想不起她哪次对公众讲话显示出了她特别的才华,或是妙趣横生 She was more innocent than clever; even her confession of an affair to a reporter sounded’ girlish. 与其说她聪明,倒不如说她天真。就连她向记者承认自己有婚


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