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《内经》睡眠机理及其系统理论的研究 作者: 禄颖 学位授予单位: 北京中医药大学 参考文献(235条) 1.朱国庆.钟明奎.张景行.赵乐章.柯道平.王敏.施蕾 基底外侧杏仁核对睡眠-觉醒的调节作用[期刊论文]-生理学报 1998(6) 2.施蕾.张景行.朱国庆.钟明奎.赵乐章.王敏.柯道平 杏仁核微量注射cGMP和亚甲蓝对大鼠睡眠和觉醒的影响[期刊论 文]-安徽医科大学学报 1998(1) 3.Mansour A.Khachalurian H.Lewis ME Anatomy of CNS opioidreceptors 1988(07) 4.Collier OJ.Roy AG Morphine-like drugs inhibit the stimulation by E prostaglandins of cyclic AMP formation by rat brain hemogenate 1984(02) 5.Klee WA.Sharma SK.Nirenberg M Opiate receptors as regulators of adenylate cyclase 1985(08) 6.Wilkening D.Mishra RK.MakmanMH Effects of morphine on dopamine-stimulated a deny late cyclase and on cyclic GMP formation in primate brain amygdaloid nucleus 1986(03) 7.何延龙.高隽.赵乐章.钟明奎.王敏.朱国庆 基底外侧杏仁核微量注射吗啡和纳络酮对大鼠睡眠的影响[期刊论文]- 安徽医科大学学报 2000(3) 8.Moncada S.Palmer RMJ.Higgs EA Nitricoxide:physiology,pathophysiology and pharmacology 1991 9.Kapas L.Shibata M.Kimura M Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis suppresses sleep in rabbits 1994 10.Dzoljic MR.De Vries R Nitric oxide synthase inhibition reduces Wakefulness 1994 11.Bredt DS.Glatt CE.Hwamg PM Nitric oxide synthase protein and mRNA are discretely localized in neuronal populations of the mammalian CNS together with NADPH diaphorase 1991 12.钟明奎.朱国庆.张景行.章功良.张瑾.赵乐章 基底外侧杏仁核内一氧化氮对大鼠睡眠及行为活动的影响[期刊论文 ]-中国行为医学科学 2002(3) 13.张瑾.赵乐章.钟明奎.章功良.王敏.张景行 兴奋和抑制海马神经元对慢波睡眠的影响[期刊论文]-安徽医科大学学 报 2002(1) 14.钟明奎.赵乐章.张瑾.章功良.张景行 海马微量注射乙酰胆碱和阿托品对大鼠睡眠的影响[期刊论文]-中国中医基 础医学杂志 2002(1) 15.Chou TC.BjorkumAA.Caus SE Afferents to the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus 2002(02) 16.Sallanon M.Denoyer M.Kitahama K Long lasting insomnia induced by preoptic neuron lesions and its transient reversal by musci mol injection into the posterior hypothalamus in the cat 1989(06) 17.汤斌.章功良.王烈成.张瑾.钟明奎.赵乐章.张景行 腹外侧视前区GABA能神经元对大鼠睡眠-觉醒周期的影响[期刊 论文]-安徽医科大学学报 2003(5) 18.Python A.Steimer T.de Saint HZ Extracellular serotonin variations during vigilance states in the preoptic area of rats:A microdialysis study 2001(07) 19.章功良.


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