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%% * 周 辉, 段志善, 史丽晨, 潘宏洲 (西安建筑科技大学, 陕西西安 7 10055) 摘 要: 采用二状态模型, 考虑 运动副元素接触表面的线弹性变形和阻尼, 建立 存在磨损的隔膜泵曲柄滑块机构 的动力学模型, 并调用 M atlab 中的 ode4 5对动力学模型进行数值仿真, 得出移动副磨损对机构动态特性的影 响, 指出由于存在磨损, 运动副元件会产生猛烈的冲击和碰撞 关键词: 动力学; 磨损; 数值仿真 中图分类号: TH 133. 5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1006- 4414 ( 2009) 0 3- 00 19- 03 S lideway w ear stud ies of slider- crank m echan ism based on dynam ic characteristics Zhou H u , Duan Zh - shan, Sh L - chen, Pan H ong- zhou (X ian university of architecture technology, X ian Shanxi 710055, China) A bstrac t: In th s pape r, tak ng account o f the elast c de fo rm at on and damper o fm ob le deputy elem ents contacted surface by tw o- state - m ode l based on w h ch the dynam c m ode l o f d aphragms s lder- crank m echan sm w th w ear ng w as establ shed, then u ses m a tlabs ode45 to num er cal s mu lat ve, the n fluences o fm ob le deputy clearance on the dynam c character st cs o f th s system w ere nvest gated. It s found that becau se o f jo nt clearance v ce m ovem ent components w ll hav e strong mpact and co ll s on n the n t al stag e. K ey w ord s: dynam c m ode;l w ea r ng; num er cal sm ulat ve 1 Dubow shy[ 3] Funabash , , H ertz an [ 4] , , , , , , , , , , ( , , ), [ 1] ; ∀ , , , , B. M edem aW. M. M ansour[ 5] , , - - 3, , , # ∃, : , [ 2 ] , ,


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