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2005 7 July 2005 31 7 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Vol.31 No7 CCD 解玉文 丁希仑 刘 颖 ( , 100083) : 介绍了用单个 D摄像机和超声传感器相结合检测物体位 的方 法. 首先由 D摄像机采集一幅图像, 获取物体上目标点在图像坐标系中的理想坐 标, 并由此确定该点投影矢量(连接物体点和对应图像点的直线) 的方向; 然后控制机 器人运动, 使超声传感器的z 轴与求得的投影矢量重合; 最后用超声传感器测出投影 矢量的长度, 确定目标点在摄像机坐标系中的坐标. 分析了影响检测精度的主要因 素, 具体研究了超声传感器的安装参数对检测精度的影响规律, 进行了仿真分析.该 方法可以有效地降低图像处理所带来的巨大数据量, 避开双目视觉中的图像匹配问 题, 快捷精确检测物体的位 . : 单摄像机; 超声传感器; 位 检测; 误差分析 : TP 242.6+ 2 : A :2005) Position and orientation measurement using monocular cameraultrasonic sensor configuration mounted on robot Xie Yuwen Ding Xilun Liu Ying ( School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, hina) Abstract: A method was proposed for measuring the position and orientation of objects using monocular D camera and a ultrasonic sensor. Firstly, in the image coordinate, the undistorted coordinates of the desired point on objects was obtained from one image captured by the D camera, from which the orientation of the projection vec tor (the line connecting the object point and its image) was obtained. Then, by moving the robot, let the z axis of the ultrasonic sensor coincidewith the orientation of the projection vector; lastly, the length of the vector was mea sured using the ultrasonic sensor, and the point coordinates in the camera coordinate system were calculated. The mainly factors that affected the measurement accuracy were analyzed, the influence of mounting parametersof the ul trasonic sensor was discussed and simulations were given. The position


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