Using Dynamic Visual Emphasis in Interactive Technical Documentation.pdf

Using Dynamic Visual Emphasis in Interactive Technical Documentation.pdf

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Using Dynamic Visual Emphasis in Interactive Technical Documentation

Dynamic Visual Emphasis in Interactive Technical Documentation Ralf Helbing, Knut Hartmann, Thomas Strothotte Department for Simulation and Graphics Institute for Knowledge and Language Engineering Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg Faculty of Computer Science Universitätsplatz 2, D-39106 Magdeburg {ralf,tstr} Abstract work in the Visdok system, is described in Section 5. Emphasis is an important vehicle to communicate Some related work is discussed in Section 6. relevance and to guide user focus, especially in inter- active computer graphics. In dynamic 3D systems 2 System Overview in particular, emphasis techniques must also consid- A graphical front end and a knowledge-based back er visibility issues. This work discusses possible solu- end are implemented as two distinct programs and tions and describes an implementation. communicate over a network link (see fig. 1). The front end (client) connects to the back end (server) 1 Introduction and provides user access to the information space. Graphics and animation techniques for emphasis al- There is no direct user interaction with the server; ways depend on the application context. Our work only the client receives user input (object selections, is focused on interactive presen


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