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绿色基础设施:概念,理论及实践 Green Infrastructure: Concept, Theory and Practice 李开然 LI Kai-ran 摘 要:“绿色基础设施”这一概念的提出是针对大多数人的孤岛状绿地模式的想法,而进行的一种理念上的推进和强化。在此概 念推动下的实践,力求规避既往时代中以人为主的城市建设模式和以自然为主的局部保护模式,尤其在城市开发中寻求二者的有机融 合,从而达到可持续发展以及人类与自然互利双赢。在土地国有的中国,在待发展地区,一旦绿色基础设施的理念被政府与公众接受, 它所产生的实践性影响将是最迅速也是最巨大的。 关 键 词:风景园林;绿色基础设施;规划;可持续发展;保护;生态 文章编号:1000-6664(2009)10-0088-03 中图分类号:TU 986 文献标志码:A 收稿日期:2009-07-28;修回日期:2009-08-19 Abstract: Green Infrastructure is defined as an interconnected network of natural areas and other open spaces that conserves natural ecosystem values and functions, and provides a wide array of benefits to people and wildlife. It is promoted against the faulted green space pattern of isolated patches. The practices of Green Infrastructure differ from conventional approaches to natural resources protection and land development, taking conservation in concert with land development and man-made infrastructure planning, not in isolation from or in opposition to development, so that the win-win scenario of human and Nature and the sustainability of development can be achieved. In the less-developed areas of China where land is stated-owned, the practical effects of Green Infrastructure facilities would be the quickest and the biggest if this concept is accepted by the government and the public. Keywords: landscape architecture; green infrastructure; planning; sustainable development; conservation; ecology [2] 1 概念辨析 和平衡 。 绿色基础设施,很容易被人理解为是与绿地相关的工程设施类 绿色基础设施这一概念的提出,正是为了强调将绿色设施视为 的基础设施,事实上,其比较准确的定义是指:具有内部连接性的自 和道路及水电管网性质相似的东西,即:一片绿地仅仅可以看作是 然区域及开放空间的网络,以及可能附带的工程设施,这一网络具 一个水箱,水箱水管只有在相互通联的基础上,才能建立一个自来


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