Qualitative Approach to Designing a Class of Geometries.pdfVIP

Qualitative Approach to Designing a Class of Geometries.pdf

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Qualitative Approach to Designing a Class of Geometries

Qualitative Approach to Designing a Class of Geometries Amitabha Mukerjee and Sarvesh Srivastava IIT Kanpur Kanpur India email amitiitkernetin Abstract We consider the problem of creative geometric design ie creating a shap e that can represent a class of geometries either by varying param eters asso ciated with the b oundary data or by changing asp ects of the shap e itself The mo del of shap e we use is based on sub dividing the dis cretizations in qualitative spatial reasoning called Qualitative Subdivision Algebra resulting in a nal resolution that can b e rened over the course of the design pro cess By changing the mo del of shap e the design can b e made to fulll dierent levels of functional demand It is said that of the design value is lo cked up in the initial design shap e or template Qualitative mo dels for design rarely address spatial asp ects in sucient detail and when they do they rely on quantitative substrate to construct and work with that data To days CAD systems suer from the weakness that a they cannot mo del the abstract geometries that convey conceptual designs and b they do not have a mechanism for mo deling the constraints that lead eventually to the nal design The former makes it imp ossible to p erform conceptual design and the latter makes it dicult to edit the design later when the basic functional constraints typically have to b e regenerated In this work we present a metho d for mo deling the conceptual uncertainties using a Hybrid Qualitative Spatial Model and providing visual feedback during the stage when the geometry is not welldened obtaining a parametrization for the design templa



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