MLCC 积层式陶瓷电容使用注意事项.pdfVIP

MLCC 积层式陶瓷电容使用注意事项.pdf

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MLCC 积层式陶瓷电容使用注意事项

Aillen MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITORS 14 9. 積層式陶瓷電容使用注意事項 (Precautions on the use of MLCC) : 9.1 有效的焊錫表面(Suggested soldering profile): 9.1.1 手工焊(Hand soldering): 當用烙鐵焊接時,只要符合以下條件,不需要預熱即可焊接(When correcting chips with a soldering iron, no preheating is required if the following conditions are met.) 。 項目(Item) 條件(Conditions) 尺寸(Chip size) 2.0 × 1.25mm max. 3.2 × 1.6mm over 烙鐵溫度(Temperature of iron-tip) 300℃ max. 270℃ max. 烙鐵功率(Soldering iron wattage) 20W max. 注意(Caution) 不要讓烙鐵頭直接接觸陶瓷體(Do not allow the iron-tip to directly touch the ceramic element.) 。 Temperature (℃) Hand Soldering Condition Soldering Gradual ΔT cooling Pre-Heating 1~2 minutes 20sec. max. (For 1206 and under ΔT ≦190℃ ; For 1210 and over ΔT ≦130℃ ) 9.1.2 焊錫(Soldering): 焊錫步驟( solder Buildup ) (1) 浸泡與焊接(Dip and iron soldering) 保證焊接良好,同時用最少的焊接劑。 Use as little solder as possible, and confirm that the solder is securely placed. (2) 回流焊(Re-flow soldering) 確保端電極表面爬錫高度在 0.2mm 到 0.3mm 之間。 When soldering confirms that the solder is placed over 0.2 to 0.3mm of the surface of the terminations. (3)焊錫良好與不良應用舉例(Examples of good and bad solder application.) 。 (4) 電容器在 270℃時受熱 20 秒或在 230℃時 60 秒下焊錫,不會影響電容器電性,不會導致電容器外觀機 械損傷(Capacitors/Components can be heat to the max temperature of 270℃ for 20 seconds(Min.) or 230℃ for 60 seconds. And no electrical failures and mechanical damages of the capacitors/components.) 。 (5) 冷卻︰建議在自然條件下冷卻(Cooling:


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