Study on evaluation method for railway constructionproject tenders based on value engineering.pdfVIP

Study on evaluation method for railway constructionproject tenders based on value engineering.pdf

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Study on evaluation method for railway constructionproject tenders based on value engineering

3 1 1 V ol . 31 N o. 1 2 0 0 9 2 JO U RN A L OF T H E CH IN A R AI LW AY SOCIET Y F ebru ary 2009 1001- 8360 ( 2009) 01-0 111- 04 基于价值工程的铁路建设工程评标方法探讨 1 2 肖 蕾 , 王俊和 ( 1. , 6100 31; 2 . , 6 10072) , , , , , , , , , ; ; ; ; F5 30 A Study on Evaluation Method for Railway Construction Project Tenders Based on Value Engineering 1 2 X IA O L ei , WA N G J un- he ( 1. School of T raff ic T ran sport at ion, Sout hw est J iaot ong U niv ersit y , Ch engdu 6 1003 1, C hina ; 2. C hina R ail way T w enty T hird Bureau group Co . , L td. , Chengdu 6 10072, Chin a) Abstract: Being p ivot al in bidding and t ender ing, t ender evalu at io n m ust u se a reasonable, fair and ef fect ive method . For railw ay con st ru ct ion project s, t he ow ners w ant t he project design to be bet t er realized, and ho pe to achieve a relat ively lo w cost cont ract . T ender evalu at ion is a b alance and opt imizat ion proces s bet w een cost ex p endit ur e and f unct ion f ulfilm ent . T he project qu ality , con st ru ct ion p er io ds, and credibilit y of t he co nstr uc- t ion p art ies r ef lect ed in dif f erent t enders are funct ion index es , w hich are able t o br ing about diff er ent im plemen- t at ion result s. T he reasonable quo tat ion s of diff er ent t enders are t he cost index es. T he A naly t ic H ierarchy Pro cess and f us sy evalu ation are u sed t o quantif y t he f unct ion index es. V alu e coeff icient s com binin


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