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高考英语中译英测验 9(LM) Section A (每题3分) 只有勇敢面对挑战的人才有可能成功。(likely) ① Only those who face the challenges bravely are likely to succeed. ② It is likely that only those who face the challenges bravely will succeed. 对于我们来说,重要的不是输赢,而是参与。(matter) What matters to us is not to win but to take part. 你一收到这封信,就知道事情的来龙去脉了。(The moment…) The moment you receive the letter, you’ll know the whole story of the incident. 我们应该互相学习,共同进步。(learn) We should learn from each other and make progress together. 必须采取积极措施来防止禽流感蔓延。(measure) Active measures must be taken to prevent bird flu from spreading. 难以置信,那位百万富翁过着一种极为简朴的生活。(live) It is hard to believe that the millionaire lived an extremely simple life. 对帮助你的人说谢谢是一种礼貌。(manner) It is good manners to say thanks to those who have done you a favor. 陷入沉思,她没有注意到外面发生的事情。(lose) Lost in thought, she didn’t notice what was going on outside. 在考试中越是冷静,就越少出错。(the more…the more…) The calmer you are in the exam, the fewer mistakes you will make. 缓解压力的方法在于学会放松。(lie) The way to relieve tress lies in learning to relax. 这种钢制手表质量很好。(make) The watch which is made of steel is of good quality. 做一件毫无价值的工作就意味着浪费我们宝贵的时间。(mean) Doing a worthless job means wasting our precious time. 他渴望能为那些艾滋病儿做些事情。(long) He longed to do something for those kids suffering from AIDS. 那位英语老师常常被误认为是学生,因为她看上去很年轻。(mistake) The English teacher is often mistaken for a student as she appears young. 去看时装秀吧,我来洗碗。(leave) ① Go to watch the fashion show, and leave me to wash up. ② Go to watch the fashion show, and leave it to me to wash up. 在古典音乐知识方面没人能和约翰匹敌。(match) No one can match John in the knowledge of classical music. 她被那部电影深深感动了禁不住留下了泪水。(move) She was deeply moved to tears by the film. 作为高三学生,我们不应该讲理想局限于大学教育。(limit) As Senior Three students, we shouldn’t limit our dreams to college education. 无论遇到什么困难都不要半途而废。(meet) Don’t give up halfway whatever difficulty you meet with. 如果管理的好,


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