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2005 5 高 等教 育 研 究 M ay, 2005
26 5 J our nal of H ig her Education V ol . 26 N o. 5
阎凤桥, 吴沛涓
( 北京大学 教育学院, 北京100871)
: 对有关文献的分析发现, 随着我国民办高等教育的发 , 相应的研究工作和成果
也越来越多由于研究对象的特殊性等原因, 我国民办高等教育开处方式的研究较多, 实证研
究较少; 研究主要围绕有关法律和政策问题进行, 理论分析不够深入; 比较重视研究对象的经
济特性, 而相对忽视其社会特性
: 民办高等教育研究; 回顾; 比较; 望
: G648. 7 : A : 2005)
Private higher education research in China: retrospect,
comparison and prospect
Y A N F engqiao, WU Peiuan
( Gr ad uate School of E d ucat ion, P ek ing Un iv er sity , B e ij ing 100 87 1, China)
Abstract :T he paper rev iew s pr iv at e higher educat ion research in China. It is f ound t hat
mo re research eff ort and publicatio ns ar e available w it h t he developm ent of privat e higher ed
ucatio n. U nder Chinas special circum st ances and the resear ch charact erist ics, pr iv at e hig her
educat ion research show s t he fo llow ing charact erist ics: mo re prescript ive paradig m, less em
pirical par adigm; more policyor iented, less theoret ical analy sis; more eco nom ic perspective,
less social perspect ive.
Key words:private higher educat ion r esearch; ret rospect ; co mparison; prospect
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, 一中国民办高等教育研究
[ 2] [ 3] 的回顾与比较
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