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从儿童色彩情感激发论儿童用品包装中的色彩应用 应雷, 孙 屹 (, 200093) : 从儿童的色彩情感激发和色彩联想的视角切入, 阐述色彩是商品与儿童相互沟通的 一 个触发点, 色彩能激发儿童的情感, 进而使儿童对色彩产生联想, 激发想象力通过对儿童用品包装 色彩化卡通化和形象化的有效表现与把握, 使之不断地创新因此, 儿童用品包装色彩的良好设计 不仅提高了儿童商品的附加值, 也成为决定儿童商品在市场销售的诱饵和竞争力的重要因素之一 : 色彩的情感激发; 色彩联想; 色彩心理; 儿童消费心理设计 : J524. 1 : A : 1001- 3563( 2007) 10- 0171- 03 D iscussion on App lica tion o f C o lors in P ackage o f C hildren s C omm od ities YIN G L e,i SUN Yi ( Univers ity of hanghai for cience and Technology, hanghai 200093, Ch ina) Ab stract: The w ays color stmi u lates ch ildren s emotion and provokes associationsw as introduced. It w as put forward that color is the first point wh ich m akes commun ication poss ible bewt een children and com- m od ities. Color cou ld stmi u late ch ildren s em otions, furthermore, provoke associations and insp ire their -i m agination. Package des ign for ch ildren s comm od ities could be innovated through effective representing m ethods of colorization, cartoon ization, and visualization. Therefore, well-designed color of products not on ly enhances additive value of ch ildren s comm odities, but also becom es one of the m ost mi portan t elem ents that dom inate the com petitiveness of ch ildrens comm odities in the marketing system. K ey w ords: em otional stmi u lus of color; color association; color psychology; design w ith children s consumptive psychology , , , ( , ) , , , : ( 80% ) , , , () , ,


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