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: 1006- 24 67 2006) 10- 1645- 04 压边圈应力传递规律及其对冲压成形的影响 a, b a a a, b 李淑慧 , 赵亦希 , 刘林虎, 林忠钦 a. 机械与动力工程学院, b . 振动、冲击与噪声国家重点实验室, 上海交通大学, 上海2000 30) : 利用弹性实体单元有限元模型研 了压边圈厚度对压边应力传递的影响规律, 并与实验 结果进行了对比分析. 在此基础上, 分析了不同厚度及结构的压边圈对钢板成形性能的影响规律. 结果表明, 使用弹性实体单元模型可以准确预测压边圈应力传递, 从而提高冲压成形数值模拟精 度; 相对于平板结构的压边圈, 锥台结构压边圈更有利于变压边力的实现, 并改善钢板成形性能. : 弹性压边圈; 数值模拟; 成形性; 压边力 : T G 386 : A The St ress Transfer of Blank Holder and Its Effect on Sheet Formability a, b a a a, b L I Sh u-h ui , ZH A O Yi-x i , L I U L in-h u , L I N Zhong-qi n a. School of M echanical Eng. ; b . St ate Key L ab. of V ibration , Sho ck and Noise, Shang hai Jiaot ong U niv. , Shang hai 2000 30, China) Abstract : T he ef fect of blank holder thickness o n stress t ransfer w as studied by means of an elast ic so lid e-l ement f init e elem ent mo del. T he sim ulat ion result s w er e verified by experiment s. T he ef fect of t he str uc- t ure and thickness of t he blank holder o n t he sheet f ormabilit y w as analy zed . T he r esult s show t hat the elastic solid elem ent s model is ef ficient t o improve t he sim ulat ion accuracy o f t he str ess t ransfer on blank ho lder and t herefo re improves the st amping f ormabilit y predict io n accuracy. T he cone- shaped blank holder is benef icial t o the variable blank holder f orce cont rol and stamping f orm abilit y im pro vem ent . Key words: elastic blank ho lder; numerical simulatio n; fo rmabilit y; blank ho lder f orce 在薄板拉深成形过程中, 压边力是影响板料成 中的大量应用, 在传统的成形工艺下, 起皱、破裂和 形性能的一个重要参数. 传统的冲压过程通常采用 回弹等成形质量问题更加突出. 变压边力技术是改 刚性压边圈,


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