Intercultural communication 2 0909.ppt

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Intercultural communication 2 0909.ppt

Zeng Xiangmin 2. Cultural diversities in perception: comparing cultural differences 2.1 Culture and perception 2.2 Comparing value systems between Chinese and American people 2.3 Comparing world views between Chinese and American people 2.4 Prejudice and pride: attitudes toward culture 2.1 Culture and perception Different perceptions for the same objects Perception is the means by which we make sense of our physical and social world; our perceptions give meaning to all those external forces. “Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our world.” (Gamble and Gamble) 2.1 Culture and perception two-stage sequence of perception (1) recognition or identification (biological) (2) interpretation and evaluation (cultural, influenced by past experience and culture) Examples of showing cultural impact upon perception: ? personal credibility: ? How the elderly are perceived ? different understanding about vengeance and punishment: (a) Silvia; (b) Keller 2.2 Comparing value systems between Chinese and American people 2.2.1 Collectivism vs. Individualism Orientation 2.2.2 Hierarchy vs. Equality 2.2.3 Spirit vs. Material Wealth Orientation (Being vs. Doing) 2.2.4 The Seeking of Stability vs. the Seeking of Change (Harmony vs. Competition) 2.2.5 Past vs. Future Orientation 2.2.6 Success Awareness: Similarities and Differences 2.2.7 Stereotype of cultural patterns: comparing national characters between Chinese and American people 2.2.1 Collectivism vs. Individualism Orientation Chinese culture: collectivism-oriented (a) group-oriented ? In China, the interest of family, society and the nation is primary whereas the individual interest is secondary. ? “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”。One should experience sorrows before the other people feel sorrowful; one should gain happiness after the other people feel happy. ? I-less culture: follow the general practice (循规蹈矩); self-restrain (自我压抑); avoi


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