Intercultural communication 3 0909.ppt

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Intercultural communication 3 0909.ppt

Intercultural Communication Zeng Xiangmin 2012 3. Intercultural interaction: verbal communication and non-verbal communication 3.1 Verbal process 3.1.1 Cultural differences in word meanings 3.1.2 Cultural differences in syntactical patterns 3.1.3 Cultural differences in pragmatics 3.1.4 Cultural differences in discourse 3.2 Non-verbal process 3.3 Cultural influences on contexts 3.1 verbal process 3.1.1 Cultural differences in word meanings Seven types of meaning proposed by Leech four categories concerning cultural differences in word meanings: (1) similar conceptual meaning, but distinctive even opposite associative meaning (2) similar conceptual meaning, but partially similar associative meaning (3) similar conceptual meaning, but rich associative meaning in one culture and no associative meaning in the other culture (4) unique vocabulary in a certain culture Seven types of meaning 1) Conceptual meaning 概念意义 2) Connotative meaning 内涵意义 3) Social meaning 社会意义 4) Affective meaning 情感意义 5) Reflected meaning 反映意义 6) Collocative meaning 搭配意义 ( from the second to the sixth types are known as ‘associative meaning’ 联想意义) 7) Thematic meaning 主题(主位)意义 (1) similar conceptual meaning, but distinctive even opposite associative meaning 龙 --- dragon 中国龙 Chinese dragon. 亚洲四小龙 four tigers 望子成龙 want one’s son to be somebody ? 风月 (wind and mood) love affairs ? 江湖 (rivers and lakes) all corners of the country 流落江湖 live a vagrant life 走江湖 tramp from place to place to make a living 江湖骗子 swindler 江湖医生 quack ? 菊 chrysanthemum (a symbol of longevity in Chinese, but in English it symbolizes funeral) ? 白日作梦 day dream (pleasant thoughts, hope, wish, idea) ? 绅士,君子 (moral man; perfect man ) gentleman ? 妥协 compromise (2) similar conceptual meaning, but partially similar associative meaning a) materialism ≈ 唯物主义(追求物质享受, 物质主义); b) idealism ≈唯心主义(理想主义); 在英语中,idealism 作为“理想主义”解时,他的对立面就是ma


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