
Nanostructured Zinc Oxide Nanorods with Copper Nanoparticles.pdf

Nanostructured Zinc Oxide Nanorods with Copper Nanoparticles.pdf

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Nanostructured Zinc Oxide Nanorods with Copper Nanoparticles.pdf

Communications DOI: 10.1002/anie.200902907 Microreformer Design Nanostructured Zinc Oxide Nanorods with Copper Nanoparticles as a Microreformation Catalyst** Yan-Gu Lin, Yu-Kuei Hsu, San-Yuan Chen, Yu-Kai Lin, Li-Chyong Chen,* and Kuei-Hsien Chen* The use of hydrogen for energy generation has attracted catalyst immobilization, and its efficient utilization inside the significant attention in recent years as a clean, sustainable, microchannel remains a challenge.[16, 17] Most of these and transportable alternative fuel, and this interest has approaches involve a two-step process, wherein active cata- consequently sparked a rapid global development of hydro- lysts are prepared in the first step, followed by its immobi- gen fuel cells for electric power generation.[1] Catalytic lization on the surface of the microchannels in the second reformation of hydrocarbons, with careful attention to avoid step. Herein, we report a simple and reliable method for storage and safety issues,[2, 3] is currently the predominant integrating in-situ synthesis of catalyst and its immobilization process for hydrogen generation. One of the leading and most for microreformer applications. promising techniques for hydrogen generation is catalytic The ZnO NR arrays were first grown on a microchannel reformation of methanol.[4, 5] Cu/ZnO-based catalysts are, reactor using a simple template-free aqueous approach. A therefore, of great importance for industrial scale catalytic


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