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Stern Management Consulting Case Interviewing Workshop Presented by Professor Charles Fombrun and Peter Eliopoulos Stern School of Business, New York University Calculation Case||Problem Case|| Probing Case Also try out McKinseys Interactive Case for another example. What Are They Looking For? The interviewer is evaluating you on three dimensions: (1) Diagnostic Skills, (2) Analytical Skills, and (3) Communication Skills. Diagnostic Skills • How well do you narrow down a problem? • Do you ask good, pertinent questions? • Can you identify and extract the most important issues related to the problem? • Can you prioritize? Analytical Skills • Can you follow a logical line of reasoning? • How well do you structure your answer? • Are you good at making quick calculations on your feet? • Do you appreciate the implications of any recommendations you make? Communication Skills • Do you express yourself clearly • Are you a good listener? • Do you ask good questions? • Do you adapt to whatever information youre given? • How well do you explain and defend your ideas? • How well do you handle pressure? • Do you have a high energy level and strong sense of self confidence? Packaging Yourself Even in case interviews, youll be expected to answer general questions. The most important and often damaging issue is how you present yourself. In particular, you have pursued several academic programs, you have a set of work experiences, you have interests, and you have aspirations. You should develop a logical explanation for the paths (and, yes, the tangents) that you have followed and link this explanation to your future plans. • Why did you study history in college, work four years in the health care industry, and then decide to g


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