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中华全国律师协会 路伟国际律师事务所 ACLA Lovells ACLA-Lovells Foreign Investment Memo Template (English Only) OVERVIEW OF COMMON FOREIGN INVESTMENT VEHICLES AND TRANSACTION STRUCTURES IN CHINA—ORIGINAL NOTE AND ADDENDUM (Prepared by Lovells for instructional and reference purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice. All rights reserved. Last updated in July 2004. All content involving interpretation of the laws of the Peoples Republic of China reflects the results of consultation with EastBright Law Firm.) This sample memo has been prepared as part of the All China Lawyers Association (ACLA) - Lovells Legal Skills Training Series (Training Series), which have covered skills ranging from contract/memo drafting, commercial negotiation, law firm management and corporate law department management. Since the first ACLA-Lovells Legal Skills Training Seminar in January 2003, more than 2,500 lawyers from law firms and corporate law departments all over China have attended over 250 hours of live training programmes prepared and presented by senior lawyers from Lovells International Law Firm and Chinese legal practitioners. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this sample memo, please contact the two chief instructors of the Training Series: Robert Lewis (Foreign Expert, ACLA Education Committee/Managing Partner, Lovells Beijing) at robert.lewis@; or John Jiang (Director, ACLA-Lovells Legal Skills Training Series/Partner, EastBright) at john.jiang@ . For information on DVDs, audio PowerPoint presentations and transcripts of prio


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