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CNN新闻听力100篇 News Item 1 Many people in Japan have been forced to leave their homes. Japanese media report that 450,000 people—half a million—are living in shelters like this evacuation center that was set up inside a junior high school’s gym. Many others are trying to get out of Japan entirely. Kyung Lah shows us the packed scene at Tokyo’s airports and the deserted streets of downtown. News Item 2 Investigators in Winnipeg have compiled evidence that two Canadian citizens conspired to travel to Pakistan for terrorist training. There is also evidence that they planned subsequently to join the insurgency against NATO forces in Afghanistan. Arrest warrants have been issued for Ferid Ahmed Imam, aged 30, and Maiwand Yar, aged 27. As the current whereabouts of Yar and Ahmed are unknown, these charges have been laid in absentia. News Item 3 Rescue crews are spread out all over northern Japan trying to reach survivors of the quake and tsunami. But rescuers are facing obstacles as well. Obviously, they have to work around all the rubble and the flooding you see here. But they’re also dealing with aftershocks. And the weather is supposed to get worse, which could in itself cause problems. There are scenes of incredible rescues taking place. A sixty- year-old man was swept out to sea, along with his house. He managed to hold on to part of his roof, and a Japanese naval ship found him floating nine miles off the coast. News Item 4 The nation of Japan is reeling today, trying to recover from a devastating natural disaster. The earthquake hit the island nation on Friday. It registered a magnitude of 8.9. That makes it the most powerful quake to hit Japan in at least 100 years. There were reports over the weekend that the quake moved the main island of Japan—the entire island—by 8 feet! News Item 5 And this is what it left behind: scenes of destruction. On Sunday, officials estimated that


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