《Context and translation》.ppt

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《Context and translation》.ppt

Context and Translation By group two presentor: 王小玉 members:林丹梅 王鹰 尹媛媛 Introduction Translation as a communicative activity, has a close relationship with context. And context also plays a vital and positive role in translation studies. 翻译是一种跨语言、跨文化的交际行为。语境与翻译有着密切的关系,语境制约翻译,翻译依赖语境。语境对翻译具有重要意义,语境是语义的决定性因素,是译者正确理解原语、获得功能对等翻译的关键。 Outline 1.1 Bronislaw Kaspar Malinowski s theory 1.1 Bronislaw Kaspar Malinowski s theory 语境的概念是由英国的波兰裔人类学家、功能学派的创始人之一马林诺夫斯基首先提出的,他把语境分为两类:即情景语境和文化语境。 context of situation 情景语境是指语篇产生的环境; context of culture 文化语境是指某种语言赖以植根的民族里人们思想和行为准则的总和。 1.2 J.R.Firth s theory context of situation: A. The relevant features of participants: persons, personalities.(参与者的有关特征) (i) The verbal action of the prarticipants. (参与者的语言行为) (ii) The non-verbal action of the participants. (参与者的非语言行为) B. The relevant objects.(有关的事物) C. The effect of the verbal action.(言语行为的影响) 1.3 M. A. K. Hallidays theory The three features of context of situation: 1.3 M. A. K. Hallidays theory The field of discourse refers to what is happening,to the nature of the social action that is taking place.语场指的是正在发生什么事,所进行的社会活动的性质、特点、语言所谈及或描述的是什么。 The tenor of discourse refers to who is taking part in, to the nature of participants , their status and roles. 语旨指的是谁是交际者,他们的基本情况、特点、地位、角色、关系等。 The mode of discourse refers to what part the language is playing, what it is that the participants expect the language to do for them in the situation. 语式指的是语言在交际中所起的作用,包括交际渠道和修饰方式。 1.4 海姆斯的语境构成因素 海姆斯的语境构成因素 美国社会语言学家海姆斯(D. H. Hymes) 对语境也作了深入的研究并发展了语境学说。他以SPEAKING这个单词的字母拼写概括了语境的基本构成因素,即: 1.4 海姆斯的语境构成因素 1.5 何自然的分类 1.6 My view about context In a narrow sense, context refers to the words, phrases and sentences in which a word is used. This is what is known as linguistic context(语言语境), which may be a paragraph, a whole chapter and even an entire book. And the physical, social and cultural setting, etc. are known as non-linguistic context(非语言语境). 2 Linguistic context an


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