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FLUID FLOW AND TRANSPORT PHENOMENA Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(6) 923—930 (2010) * Hydrodynamic Behavior of a Single Bubble Rising in Viscous Liquids CAI Ziqi (蔡子琦), BAO Yuyun (包雨云) and GAO Zhengming (高正明)** State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China Abstract The rising behavior of single bubbles has been investigated in six systems with different viscosity and Morton number (Mo) from 3.21×10−11 to 163. Bubbles with maximum equivalent diameter of up to 16 mm were investigated. The bubble Reynolds number (Re) ranged from 0.02 to 1200 covering 3 regimes in which two func- tions are obtained relating the drag coefficient, C , with Re and Mo . It has been found that in the high Reynolds D number regime the drag coefficient increases until the Reynolds number of about 1200. The classic expression of Jamialahmadi (1994) is improved and extended to high viscosity liquids. A new relationship for the aspect ratio of deformed bubbles in terms of Re, the Eötvös number and Mo, applicable to a wide range of system properties, espe- cially in high viscosity liquids, is also suggested. Keywords bubble, rising velocity, viscous liquid, drag coefficient, deformation 1 INTRODUCTION derived from Stokes’s Law, 48 C Re f (D ) (1) Gas-li


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