《Silicon Level Security for User Input_Eng_v1》.pdf

《Silicon Level Security for User Input_Eng_v1》.pdf

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《Silicon Level Security for User Input_Eng_v1》.pdf

Jialin Chen Marvell Introduction RIM –Blackberry Motorola –Ming Samsung Yulong Coopad ZTE Lenovo HP … Agenda Threat on Android Silicon Level Security Solution Smart Phone OS Market Share 2013 Q3 Others: 7% IOS: 13% Android IOS Others Android: 80% Known Threat Android Vulnerability  《安卓安全小分队怎么利用Bluebox Security 曝的漏洞》 /s/blog_be6dacae0101bmq3.html  《安卓安全小分队发现Android新漏洞》 /s/blog_be6dacae0101bksm.html  《主流安全大漏洞:隐私空间泄密》 /s/blog_be6dacae0101csrc.html LBE 免root Finance Threat Paid call Book paid service via message Data consumption Payment/Bank account stolen 根据Enfodesk易观智库 《第三方支付市场季度监测》数据显示,2013年2季度中国 第三方支付市场移动支付(不包含短信支付)交易规模达到1224亿,与1季度相比 增长76.6%。 Current Solution for Account Security App Signature Verification Random input method implemented by App Encrypted data in Text View Android phone is naked after root !!! ARM Trust Zone Hardware isolation Minimum impact to power, performance and die size Target for secure payment, DRM, enterprise services Architecture Data Flow Key Difficult - Summary SoC Support Logical vs Physical Trust Zone Hardware Encryption Engine Normal OS Support RTOS Key Difficult –SoC Support Peripheral device support security controller Debugging vs Security DDR memory support security region Key Difficult –Logical Physical Logical Isolation: shared normal world CPU Secure CPU 0 Physical Isolation: separate CPU Key Difficult –Hardware Encrypt Engine Isolated encryption/decryption process Root KEK Root Key Storage: FUSE Block



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