《《当代物流学 第9版 小保罗 课后答案[1-14章].khdaw》》.pdf

《《当代物流学 第9版 小保罗 课后答案[1-14章].khdaw》》.pdf

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《《当代物流学 第9版 小保罗 课后答案[1-14章].khdaw》》.pdf

中国经济管理大学 学员教辅 ·R· ·R· 小保罗 墨菲 ··RR·· MBA 《MBA当代物流学》习题辅导 MBA MBA Contents Contents CCoonntteennttss Introduction Chapter 1: Logistics and the Supply Chain1 Chapter 2: The Supply Chain Management Concept23 Chapter 3: Logistics and Information Technology43 Chapter 4: Demand Management, Order Management and Customer Service62 Chapter 5: Protective Packaging and Materials Handling81 Chapter 6: Transportation …………………………………………………………………98 Chapter 7: Transportation Management115 Chapter 8: Distribution Center, Warehouse, and Plant Location135 Chapter 9: Inventory Management157 Chapter 10: Warehousing Management182 Chapter 11: Procurement201 Chapter 12: International Logistics221 Chapter 13: Logistics Systems Controls240 Chapter 14: Organizing and Analyzing Logistics Systems260 PART II PART II PPAARRTT IIII ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS AANNSSWWEERRSSTTOO EENNDD--OOFF--CCHHAAPPTTEERRQQUUEESSTTIIOONNSS CHAPTER 1: LOGISTICS AND THE SUPPLY CHAIN CHAPTER 1: LOGISTICS AND THE SUPPLY CHAIN CHAPTER CHAPTER11::LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS AANNDD TTHHEE SSUUPPPPLLYYCCHHAAIINN 1. Did it surprise you that logistics can be such an important component in a country’s economic system? Why or why not? 它构成了一个国家至少10%的GDP、对于经济增长有很重要的作用 The answer to this question likely depends on a student’s prior exposure to logistics. A “typical” student in an undergraduate basic logistics course likely has had limited expos



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