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SAT ⻓难句教程
Unit 1 3
Unit 2 5
Unit 3 7
Unit 4 9
Unit 5 11
Unit 6 13
Unit 7 15
Unit 8 17
Unit 9 19
Unit 10 21
Unit 11 23
Unit 12 25
Unit 13 27
Unit 14 29
Unit 15 31
Unit 16 33
Unit 17 35
Unit 18 37
Unit 19 39
Unit 20 41
Unit 21 43
Unit 22 45
Unit 23 47
Unit 24 49
Unit 25 51
Unit 26 53
Unit 27 55
Unit 28 57
Unit 1
Sentences (10)
1)Mechanical pencils rule, my fifteen-year-old grandniece, Genevieve, declared when I
invited her to be her generations voice on school supplies.
2 )As she consigned the yellow-painted wooden pencil to the wastebasket of history, I felt a rush
of nostalgia for the perfumed sharpener shavings of my youth.
3 )Black holes are the most efficient engines of destruction known to humanity.
4 )Their intense gravity is a one-way ticket to oblivion, and material spiraling into them can heat
up to millions of degrees and glow brightly.
5 )Accordingly, astronomers long assumed that super-massive holes, let alone their smaller
cousins, would have little effect beyond their immediate neighborhoods.
6 ) She had told Joe that if they were to be married at all they might as well get it over with this
year, and still there was no need of being married any earlier in the year than was necessary.
7 ) She assured him that she married him simply because she was tired of having paper bags
waved before her eyes everywhere she went and she thought if she were once officially associated
with him people would not flaunt his idiosyncrasies at her that way.
8)But the time for gentle mel
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