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《2016 04 24 EY_Africa_Study_2016_Final》.pdf
Harvesting growth
How do private equity investors create value?
A joint study of private equity exits
in Africa by AVCA and Ernst Young
01 Foreword by African Venture
Capital Association
02 Executive summary
Key findings
03 PE exit activity and performance
07 Buying well: local networks are key
10 Growing companies well:
ESG improvements drive growth
13 Realizing value: strategic buyers
are a vital exit route
16 Outlook
19 About the study
20 Contacts
In many regions of Africa, there’s a long history of
producing coffee and this is a key export for many countries.
This photo shows an image of roasting coffee beans.
III Dynamic growth: value creation in Africa
We are honored to
have partnered with
Ernst Young on this
first study of private
equity exits across Africa.
This collaboration with
Ernst Young represents
a pivotal step in addressing
the need for credible data
on the African private equity and venture capital
landscape. This research will provide investors with
key information on how fund managers create value,
deliver commercial returns and, more importantly,
debunk common myths about exits in Africa.
Africa is taking center stage on the back of exceptional
economic growth, a rising middle class and relative
political stability — themes that make the continent
an increasingly attractive investment destination.
Our industry, which provides development capital to
private companies, is uniquely positioned to further
support the growth of African economies.
We are profoundly grateful to our members and
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