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ENGLISH ENTRANCE EXA.MINATION FOR BIT NON-ENGLISH l\rIAJOR DOCTORAL CANDIDATES APRIL, 2001 Testing Number: _ Partj- Listening Comprehension (15 points 1point each) Sectirll A Direc.-iolls: In thispart, you will hear nine short conversations belYveen two speakers. At the end ofeach conversation a third voice will ask a question about what was said. The questions will be spoken only once. Choose the best answerfrom thefour choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across-the square bracket on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. l. [A] They are having a party. [BJ They are playing the piano. [9 Someone else is having a party_ [D] Someone else is funny. 2. [A] A radio program. [B] A Ty program. [C] A game played in the air. [D] A face to face talk show. 3. [AJ Watching TV does harm. to people1s health. [B) Everyone likes watching TV and likes to confess to it. [CJ People claim openly that they like watching TV [DJ The man claims openly that he-likes watching TV. 4. [A] Cross it out. [E) 00 not fill out the fonn until he gets registered. [C} Just blacken the space ofthe item. [D) Do not fill in this item at all. 5. [A] The man may have some trouble in the corrununity. [BI The man should go to the community library more often. [C] The man should not go to the State UniverSity. [DJ The man can learn more about the specialties in the community Ebrary. 6. [A] He arrived late at the bus stop. [B} He W()S waiting at a wrong place. [C] He couldnt fmd the


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