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2008 4 南京人口管理干部学院学报 Apr. , 2008 24 2 Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programm eM anagem ent Vol. 24 No. 2 ¹ ) ) ) ( , 00044) [ ]依据北京市西城区宣武区 789户首批独生子女家庭的调查数据, 描述独生子女父母对不同家庭 结 和自理情境养老方式的选择从调查结果看, 选择 6种居家养老方式的累计高达 7 . 7% , 选择 3种社会养 老方式的累计为 25. 95% , 社区托老仅占 2. 56% , 其他方式占 0. 33% 进而分析不同养老方式所需条件, 提出未 来养老方式 想 [ ]独生子女家庭; 风险; 养老方式; 养老战略; 北京 [ ] C9 3. 6; C924. 24 [ ] A [] 008- 032X( 2008) 02- 0032- 05 Abs tract: Based on the investigation into 789 households from the first group of one-child fam ilies in D istricts X icheng and Xuanwu, Beijing, the paper describes the parentsp choices for d ifferent fam ily structures and pat- terns of old-age support. 7 . 7% of the people prefer the six types of fam ily care, 25. 95% choose the three types of social institutions, only 2. 56% consider community service, and 0. 33% for otherw ays. It also analy- ses the necessary cond itions for and puts up w ith strategic considerations on the d ifferentmodels. K ey w ord s: R isks ofOne- ch ild Fam ilies; R isk; Choices for Models of O ld Age Support; Strategic Considera- tions; Beijing 20 70, / 0 30 , , 3/ 0/ 20, / 0, 50 , 2~ 3) ) ) , ; , ; , / 0 , , , , / 0, / 0, , / 0 , , , , , , , [ ] 2007- - 2; [] 2008- 03- 5 []( 949- ), , , , : ¹ / 0 # 32# , , , (/ 0 ), , , , , , , , , / 0, , , , . 调查对象的选择和抽样方法 ¹ 2006 5~ , : ( ): ; 50; ( 2): , /2; , : , 7 72, 3 7, 89; , 89 233 ; , , 20 0, ( 20, 6. 7 % ); ( 20, 6. 7 % ); ( 92, 5. 4% ); ( 2 , 6. 76% ); ( 200, . 8% ); ( 220, 2. 30% ); ( 200, . 8% ); ( 76, 9. 84% ); ( 260,


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