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摘要 随着数控机床在我国的发展普及,为准确把握数控机床的性能,有必要对数控机床进行位置精度检测,并对检测结果正确评价。本文对数控机床在我国的发展普及,数控机床位置精度的概念及其重要性,误差组成及误差检测项目,常用检测方法和评定标准等内容进行了介绍;同时综合利用表格、曲线、文字等形式对四种位置精度标准进行较深入的比较研究,得出了一定结论,并且通过在本校实验室实测一台数控机床所得数据进行例证。通过本课题的研究,指出了数控机床位置精度检测评定标准之间的差异,在解决由于数控机床位置精度标准不同而引发争议的问题上做出了尝试的解答。 关键字:数控机床,位置精度,位置精度检测,双频激光干涉仪,标准 Measurements and Standards of The Positioning Accuracy of The CNC Machine Tools ABSTRACT With the popularization of the CNC machine tools in CHINA, to find out the real performances of them, it is necessary to perform some measurements of positioning accuracy and make correct evaluations to the relating data. In the text, the popularization of the CNC machine tools in CHINA is introduced. Also introduced are the definition and importance of the positioning accuracy, with the positioning accuracy error and common measuring items included. Followed are the common measuring methods and the relating standards of the CNC machine tools described in details. After that, compare the differences between the four different standards thoroughly, using forms, graphs and words. Drew conclusions based on the forms, graphs and words mentioned above. Certified the conclusions with the data captured in the school laboratory tested one CNC machine tools. Through the study of the subject, the differences between the standards of positioning accuracy of the CNC machine tools are reported and made a answer to the problems concerning the debates aroused by the differences of the standards. KEY WORDS:CNC Machine Tools, Positioning Accuracy, Measurements of Positioning Accuracy, Interferometer, Standard 第1章 绪 论 1.1 数控机床的重要性 数控机床是数值控制的工作母机的总称,它包括数控金属切削机床、锻压机床等。它综合应用了现代机械制造技术、计算机技术、自动控制技术、精密测量技术、液压气动技术、光电技术以及配套技术等领域中的最新成果,融合了“高效、精密、柔性、集成”四大特点,是国民经济的重要基础装备,是机械、电子、汽车、石化和建筑等支柱产业及能源、交通、原材料、通讯等基础产业实现生产现代化的重要手段。数控机床的广泛应用对社会生产力的提高起着巨大的推动作用。数控机床的技术水平与拥有量是衡量一个国家工业现代化水平的重要标志。而以数控机床为基础建的柔性制造系统(FMS)和计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)的发展程度,更是一个国家现代化技术和管理水平的综合反映。 1.2 数控机床发展概况 追求高效、高能、以最大限度满足用户需要是机床行业永久性的技术课题。世界各国机床业为了扩大机床加工内容和加强国


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