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内 容 摘 要 当前,随着科技不断进步,市场竞争日趋激烈,制造企业面对顾客需求多变、订单交货时间短等问题,越来越发现企业库存控制的重要性。适量的库存可以对生产的不平衡起到缓冲作用,也可以满足临时的订货,解决缺货问题。但是目前,很多制造企业存有过多的库存,花费着巨额的库存成本,特别是原材料库存成本占用了企业的大量资金,这些对于企业的发展都是很不利的。因此,必须寻找一些有效的途径来解决库存问题,使企业在满足需求的前提下,库存总成本达到最小。 本文从库存的基本概念和库存控制的基本原理、方法出发,分析了制造企业不同类型库存的产生原因及其作用。介绍了传统管理模式下的几种库存控制方法,如定量、定期订货法,以及现代管理模式下的各种库存控制方法,如MRP、MRPⅡ、JIT。又进一步阐述了供应链环境下的几种有效库存控制方法,VMI、JMI、CPFR。最后,运用库存控制的相关理论对一个实例进行分析,找出库存控制方面存在的问题,并提出一些改进建议。 关键词:制造企业、库存、库存控制、供应链 ABSTRACT Currently, with the development of science and technology, competition of marketing becomes more severity. Be faced with these questions, such as client’s requirement become changeful, ordering time become short, Manufacturing enterprise find that the control of inventory is so important. Proper inventory could ease up the imbalance of production, and it could also satisfy the occasional order, solves out of stock problem. However, many manufacturing enterprises hold too many inventory, spend a great of money on them, especially the cost of raw and processed materials. These may block the development of the enterprise. Hence, we should look for some effective ways to resolve the inventory problem, satisfy the requirement and make the cost become least. This paper first presents the basic definition of inventory and basic theory and method of inventory, analyze the reason and effect of different inventory control ways of manufacturing enterprise. It introduces several inventory control ways in the mode of tradition management, such as ordering point, and some inventory control ways in the mode of contemporary management, such as MRP, MRPⅡ, JIT. Then, this paper set forth several inventory control ways in the mode of supply chain management, VMI, JMI, CPFR. In the end, analyze an example by using the theory of inventory control, find out the problems of inventory control, and bring forward some advice for amelioration. KEYWORDS:Manufacturing Enterprise,Inventory, Inventory Control, Supply Chain 目录 第一章 引言 1 第一节 库


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