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2 毕业论文 题 目: 学 生 姓 名:耿 生 灵学 号 0910205018 指 导 教 师:赵 康 年专 业 年 级: 2009级 所在学院和系: 地质工程系完 成 日 期: 2013年6月10日 答 辩 日 期: 2013年6月14日 摘要 县城镇地籍测量是县城镇土地管理和城市规划工作的重要基础,它是以测绘技术为手段,精确测出各类土地的位置与大小、界线、权属界址点的坐标与宗地面积以及地籍图的绘制,以满足土地管理部门和城市规划部门以及其它国民经济建设部门的需要。 文城镇地籍测量有地籍控制测量和地籍碎部测量两部分组成。但是在地籍控制测量和地籍碎部测量的前面我们进行了地形初步勘测、工作区域的选择以及测区范围控制点的布设等。 在地籍基本控制网和加密控制网布测中,了GPS RTK技术测量方法在地籍碎部测量中,以全站仪坐标测量作为主要测量方法, 关键词:GPS静态测量,RTK测量,界址点测量,地籍图 Abstract Cadastral survey in Huang zhong County is an important basis work for the county town land management and urban planning , which is based on mapping technology as a means to accurately measure the position and size of the various types of land, boundaries, ownership boundary point coordinates and parcel areas and cadastral mapping, in order to meet land management department and the city planning department and other national economic construction sectors. The article introduces the basic concepts about the cadastral surveying , followed through a part of Huang zhong County cadastral survey as an example, describes the main steps of cadastral survey and the methodology. Cadastral survey has cadastral control survey and cadastral detail survey two parts. But in front of the the cadastral survey and cadastral detail survey,we conducted a preliminary investigation of the terrain ,choose the work area as well as Measuring zone control point layout and so on. Conducting cadastral basic control network and encryption control mesh measuring process, using a GPS RTK technology methods of measurement.Introduces the principle of GPS control network layout, GPS data processing, etc.In the detail Survey use Total Station Coordinate Measuring as the main measurement method, introduced several major method about boundary point measuring such as Polar coordinates, intersection method, inside and outside the sub-point method, Cartesian coordinate method Analysis the sources about boundary points error and proposed several measures to reduce the e


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