高考英语二轮复习(单选+完型+阅读 )写作专练8.docVIP

高考英语二轮复习(单选+完型+阅读 )写作专练8.doc

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2015届高考英语二轮复习(单选+完型+阅读 )写作专练8 专题特训(完形填空)A 体裁:记叙文 话题:人生经历 时间:15分钟 (合作)fell 1__conflict. Very early one morning there was a __2__ on the older brothers door.He opened it to find a man with a carpenters __3__.“Im __4__ a few days work?” a __5__ for you.Look across the creek at that farm.Thats my neighbour,__6__,its my younger brother.Last week there __7__ a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river bank and now there is a creek between us.Well,see that pile of lumber by the barn? I want you to build me a __8__,so I wont need to see him or his place __9__,”said the older brother. The carpenter said,“I think I __10__ the situation.Show me the nails and the post-hole digger and Ill be able to do a job that __11__ you.” __12__ and then he was off for the day.The carpenter worked hard all that __13__.About sunset when the older brother __14____15__ and his jaw dropped. There was no fence there at all;instead there was a bridge stretching from __16__ side of the creek to the other.His younger brother was __17__ the bridge The __18__ brothers then met in the middle of the bridge,taking each others hand and embraced.They then turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox __19__ his shoulder. “No,wait.Please stay a few days.Ive a lot of other projects for you,”said the older brother. “Id love to stay on,”the carpenter said,“but,I have many more bridges to __20__.” 【语篇导读】 一对和睦相处的兄弟之间爆发了矛盾当推土机铲平草地开辟出一条小溪两人的矛盾似乎已无可挽回。此时一个木匠出现了他在小溪上架起了一座桥使兄弟两人重归于好。 解析 由兄弟俩之间发生了冲突可推出他们兄弟俩长期的合作破裂了。fall down失败崩溃。 答案 D 解析 根据下文提到的他开了门发现有一个人可知应该是他听到敲门声后去开的门故选A。 答案 A 解析 文章下文提到They then turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his shoulder.可知那个人应该是带着一个木匠工具箱。 答案 C up B.looking down 解析 根据下一句Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there.Could I help you?可知木匠是在找工作。look for寻找;look up往上看;look down往下看瞧不起;look at看。 答案 D job C.assistant D.saw 解析 根据下文让木匠建篱笆墙可知我确实有一个工作给你”。故选B。present礼物;assistant助理;saw锯。 答案 B C.in the end D.in danger 解析 那是我的邻居实际上是我的弟弟。in fact实际上;in time及时;in the



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