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第?2?3 卷?  第?1 期? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  石 油 化 工 高 等 学 校 学 报? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  Vol?.2?3?  No?.1 2010 年?3 月? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  JO U RN AL?  O F?  PET ROC H EM ICAL?  U NIV ERSIT IES? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  M ar?.2010  ?  文章编号?:1006?-?396X?(2010?)01?-?0089?-?04 炼油厂生产与库存系统非线性规划模型与优化 孙在冠1?,  李树荣1?,  闫?  伟2 (1?.中国石油大学信息与控制工程学院?,山东东营?257061?; ?2?.中国科学院系统科学研究所?,北京?100080?) 摘?  要?:  为了满足炼厂生产调度过程中能耗和库存的约束要求?,针对流程工业实际情况?,建立具有常减压?、催 化裂化?、溶剂油装置和气体分离装置?4 个单元的炼厂全流程非线性规划优化模型?。 为使目标函数即炼厂的利润最大 或是成本最小?,对决策变量为各装置产品的产量进行优化排产?,协调控制原料与产品的库存?。 考虑到在非线性系统 的优化模型中?,存在约束条件相互制约而导致无解的情况?,采用矩阵最小二乘法?,应用 M atlab 求解?,得到与各个约束 条件误差最小的妥协解?。 关键词?:  炼厂调度?;  生产与库存优化?;  妥协规划?;  最小二乘法 中图分类号?:  O221? ? ? ?  文献标识码?:A? ? ? ?  doi?:10?.3696?/j?.issn?.1006?-?396X?.2010?.01?.021 O ptim izatio n of M odeling N o nlinear Prog ram m ing fo r 1????????????????????????????????????1???????????????????????????2 (1?.Colle ge o f Infor m ation and Control Enginee ring?,China Unive rsity o f Petroleum?, Dongy ing S handong?257061?, P?.R?.China?; ?2?. Institute o f S ystem s Science?,Chinese A cadem y o f Sciences?,Bei j ing?100080?, P?. R?.China) Received?3 Decembe r?2008?; rev ised?19 Novembe r?2009?; acce p ted?16 December?2009 Abstract?:  Considering the demand of energy consum ption and invento ry in refinery production schedule?, on account of a refinery practical situation?, the global model w hich includes four process units such as atmospheric vacuum distillation?, cataly tic cracker?, solvent oil equipment and gas separation equipment w ere established?. T he objective function of the optimization is to maximize the profits of the w hole refinery?. T he decision variables are every output of the product?. T he constraints in the optimization include mass balance?, equipment processing and quality demand?. T he energy consum ption constraint and inventory constraint w ith integ ral fo rm w as presented?.T ransfo rming the model to nonlinear prog ram ming and solving it by matrix least square method?,an exam ple in the end proves


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