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南京铁道职业技术学院 毕 业 论 文 题 目: 苏州大学实训楼中央空调系统 作 者: 尹啸东 学 号: 421111146 系 部: 建筑设备工程系 专 业: 楼宇智能化工程技术 班 级: 11宁系统维检301 指导者: 刘光平 讲师 评阅者: 2013 年 10 月 毕 业 设 计 中 文 摘 要 本次设计为苏州大学实训楼中央空调系统设计。该办公楼坐落于苏州,为四层办公建筑,一层至四层都是教学用楼。通过空调方案的优缺点及适用场合的比较,结合本工程实际情况采用风机盘管加独立新风的半集中式空调系统并在此基础上进行空调风、水系统及冷机房的设计因本人水平有限,设计中难免存在缺点和错误,恳请各位老师批评指正。 Title The Air Conditioning Refrigeration Engineering Design for A Center for Disease Control Abstract This is the air conditioning refrigeration engineering design for a Center for Disease Control.The building is located in Shanghai and it is six public constructions. Underground one is the engine room and the garage, and it is the work hall from one to six. Advantages and disadvantages of the program by air-conditioned places for comparison, in light of actual conditions and practical engineering design information (economic, environmental benefits), this design uses a fan coil plus fresh air of semi-independent central air conditioning system, and the water systems and chiller plant design on the basis of the air conditioning.The design uses the YSBABAS05CCE-type water chilling unit. In the design process, the main work of the air conditioning system have air conditioning scheme comparison, air conditioning cooling load of the system and moisture load calculation, air conditioning system arrangement, air conditioning equipment and accessories, air conditioning and ventilation system of the hydraulic calculation of the design and layout. Finally draw out a clear engineering drawings. Because of my limited, design of existing shortcomings and errors unavoidably, your teacher correct. Key words Air conditioning Fan Coil unit load etc. 目 录 1 引言 5 2 设计概况 6 2.1 概况 6 2.2 本毕业设计课题任务的要求 7 2.3 设计原始资料 7 3 空调系统 8 3.1 空调系统的基本定义 8 3.2 空调系统方案的确定 9 3


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