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学校 新闻词汇.doc

新闻词汇 华人学者scholars of Chinese descent 乡村学校a rural school 开办无牌补习学校running unregistered schools 伤害儿童的自尊心undermine the self-esteem of children 爱国学校patriotic schools 新入职幼儿园教师newly appointed kindergarten teachers 会继续投资教育would continue to invest in education 禁止体罚儿童prohibiting corporal punishment of child/ban child corporal punishment 补充练习supplementary exercise books 补习老师/家教private tutor 补习社tutorial school 资助学校subvented schools 资优学生gifted students 跨文化环境cross-cultural environment 违反政府指引have flouted government guidelines 隔音玻璃窗double-glazed windows 预科matriculation 实用中学practical school 实行「博雅教育」的大学a liberal arts college 对本地教育制度存有偏见have some prejudice against the local education system 荣休教授emeritus professor/professor emeritus 精英班elite students class 维持课堂秩序,课室共有四十名学生上课maintaining discipline in a class of 40 制作教材套develop teaching kits 厨艺学校、烹饪学校culinary schools 广泛教育liberal education 数学、物理和商业都是自学/无师自通self-taught in math, physics and business 毅进计划Project Springboard 确保不会有青少年因贫穷而失学ensure that no young person will be deprived of education for lack of financial means 学友社收到最少五十个求助电话,大部分求助同学都因为成绩不理想而感到苦恼。 Hok Yau Club, which operates a help line for students, has received at least 50 calls with most expressing distress over disappointing results. 学生代表student representatives 学生可完全自主筹办活动。 Students will be given full autonomy to organise activities. 学生愈高班愈怕数学interest in maths fades as pupils age 学生会student union 学生整体表现和去年相若。 Student performance on the whole was similar to last years. 学者academics 学校小食部school tuck shop 学校教育school education 学校教师school-teacher 学院院长、系主任、训导长、教务长dean 学童school kids 兴趣班interest classes 办学团体圣公会Sheng Kung Hui school sponsoring group 联署反对薪酬和公务员脱钩signed a joint statement opposing the delinking of their pay scale with civil servants 讲座教授chair professors 扩阔国际视野widen their international perspective 旧教科书used textbooks 转为直资学校switched to the subsidy scheme 转校change school 读名校attended an elite school 体罚corporal punishment 一个既快乐又富正义感的人a happy person with a sense of righteousness


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