Proximity effect induced by Kondo interaction in a network composed of YBCO and spin density wave》.pdf

Proximity effect induced by Kondo interaction in a network composed of YBCO and spin density wave》.pdf

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Proximity effect induced by Kondo interaction in a network composed of YBCO and spin density wave》.pdf

Physics Letters A 379 (2015) 2488–2492 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Physics Letters A /locate/pla Proximity effect induced by Kondo interaction in a network composed of YBCO and spin density wave S. Maity, Ajay Kumar Ghosh ∗ Department of Physics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: The possibility of the proximity effect mediated by Kondo interaction in YBCO embedded in system Received 6 June 2015 of diluted magnetic spin ordering has been studied. An YBCO sample is selected in which both metal Accepted 10 July 2015 to insulator transition and superconducting state exist in the different ranges of temperature. The Available online 13 July 2015 intergranular network of the bulk Y-123 has been modified by the inclusion of YMnO3 which has a well Communicated by V.M. Agranovich defined magnetic structure depending on temperature. The current–voltage measurements have been Keywords: carried out in pure Y-123 at several temperatures. At the same set of temperatures the current–voltage Superconductors curves in presence of YMnO3 have been studied. The role of the diluted spin magnetic ordering in tuning Kondo effect



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