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摘 要 关键词: Abstract Because of our orchards are mostly planted a small area of single-family way,common agricultural machinery hard to cross orchard,orchard management practices have to rely on manual methods,work efficiency is very low,directly affects the impact on fruit growth, yield,fruit quality and economic efficiency of farmers. As Chinas change of apple cultivation model in recent years, some new type of conventional orchards Joe anvil type high density thinningto mention dry variant, provides for the development of mechanized orchard conditions. operations,through the development ofdomestic and international multi-orchard operating machinery survey analysis,combinedwith horticultural technology,research and design specifically for supporting fruit treespruning,plant protection, fruit picking,transportation and other multi-purpose orchardoperating platform. Main work done by this paper include: According to fruit growing and gardening requirements model parameters,according to the mechanical operating environment, using a crawler running gear,in the analysis of crawler-type running gear and scissor lift work platform based on the principle, kinematics and dynamics determined by the total power consumption of the basic parameters. Key words: orchard; platform; batholith ?? 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 引 言 1 第1章 履带装置行走系统概述 2 1.1我国果园机械研发与应用存在的问题 3 1.2 橡胶履带的国外发展 3 1.3 橡胶履带的国内发展 4 第2章 橡胶履带结构 7 2.1橡胶履带的术语和定义 7 2.2橡胶履带的构造 7 2.3橡胶履带的分类方法 8 2.4橡胶履带的标记方法 11 2.5 橡胶履带基本性能 11 2.6橡胶履带结构配置 12 2.7国内橡胶履带生产方式 14 2.8履带行走机构的附着性能 14 第三章 运输机行走装置的总体方案设计 16 3.1橡胶履带结构设计特点 16 3.1.1履带车辆的接地比压 21 3.1.2行走机构主要尺寸参数的确定 21 3.1.3履带条数 25 3.1.4双履带转向方式 26 3.1.5结构布置及参数 26 3.1.6张紧力的调整 28 3.2驱动轮的设计 29 3.2.1驱动轮磨损 30 3.3支重轮的设计 33 3.4托链轮的设计 39 3.5导向轮的设计 40 第4章 履带液压张紧缓冲装置的设计计算 43 4.1 张紧装置结构组成 44 4.2运输机前进时液压张紧机构的张紧力 45 4.3运输机后退时液压张紧机构的张紧力 46 4.4 张紧液压缸的设计 47 4.5蓄能器的选用设计 47 第5章 “四轮一带”的使用与维护 50 5.1“四轮一带”介绍 50 5.2“四轮一带”的使用 50 5.3“四轮一带”的维护 51 5.3.1、失效现象及原因分析 51 5.3.2、使用注意事项


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