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天津职业技术师范大学 Tianjin University of Technology and Education 毕 业 论 文 专 业: 物流管理 班级学号: 1001 - 01 学生姓名: 曹威 指导教师: 李静 讲师 二〇一四年六月 天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业论文 基于分子分析的物流企业竞争力评价研究 Based on molecular analysis of logistics enterprise competitiveness evaluation research 专业班级:物流1001 学生姓名:曹威 指导教师:李静 讲师 学 院:经济与管理学院 2014年6月 摘 要 近年来,我国物流业正以迅猛的速度向前发展。尤其是第三方物流,它在我国的发展已经进入正规,第三方物流业在我国乃至世界各国的发展空间相当大,为企业带来的利润非常丰厚,这也使其被称为经济领域的黑暗大陆,也被誉为第三利润源。 物流业的前景非常可观,但在现阶段我国物流业的发展比较缓慢,物流水平相对落后,因此物流企业的竞争力就显得非常重要,研究物流企业竞争力就显得十分必要。 本文通过介绍我国物流企业的成长状况,剖析影响物流业发展的要素,同时借鉴国外一些先进物流企业的的经验,再加上国内物流企业的现状,利用因子分析的方法来对物流企业竞争力进行评价研究,依据因子分析的原理,建立物流企业竞争力的四大因子得分模型,通过对物流企业表面和内在竞争力进行分析,实现对物流企业竞争力和可持续发展的评价,最终得出对物流业发展有用的信息,提出对我国物流业发展的相关对策和建议。 关键词:物流企业;因子分析;竞争力 ABSTRACT In recent years, the logistics industry is in rapid development by leaps and bounds. Especially the third party logistics, the development of it in our country has entered the formal, the development of the third party logistics industry in our country and even the world space is quite large, as the business is very profitable, it also makes its known as the dark continent in the field of economy, also known as the third profit source. Logistics industry foreground is very considerable, but at present the development of logistics industry in China is slow, the logistics level is relatively backward, so it is important to the competitiveness of logistics enterprises is, the logistics enterprises competitiveness is very necessary. In this paper, through the introduction of the development status of third-party logistics in our country, analyses the factors affecting the development of the third party logistics, the logistics industry of some developed countries and draw lessons from foreign experience, along with the development of logistics enterprises in our country, the status quo, using the factor analysis to evaluate the logistics enterprise competitiveness research, according to the principle of factor analysis, to build the fo



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