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龙华桥设计 摘 要 近年来,我国公路桥梁的建设为各地的经济发展带来了长足动力,不仅为人们出行带来了方便,同时也起到了美化城市的作用。泰来县规划局根据自身发展的需要,为合理建设该县公路网,决定于该县南部新建一座桥梁,名为龙华桥。 龙华桥位于黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市泰来县南部,此桥建成后将成为泰来县与龙江和桂洲等城镇联系的纽带,为该县带来强大的经济效益。龙华桥设计技术指标包括:桥面净宽为9+2x1.0m,有人群荷载,线路等级为一级公路,设计荷载为公路一级,桥梁全长200m,上部结构采用8x25m预应力混凝土简支梁桥,下部结构采用柱式桥墩,钻孔灌注桩基础,桥下净空高度7m,桥梁下部不通航。 在龙华桥设计过程中,严格按照有关规范的规定与要求进行设计与校核,遵循安全耐久、美观大方、经济合理的需求,使桥梁达到了预期的设计要求。 关 键 词:预应力混凝土;简支T梁桥;内力计算;钻孔灌注桩基础. Longhua bridge ABSTRACT In recent years, our country the construction of highway Bridges for the economic development of all brought great power, not only for peoples travel arrived convenience, at the same time also played the beautification of the city function. Thai to county planning bureau according to their own development needs, to reasonable construction the county road network, the county decided to build a new south bridge, called the dragon overseas Chinese. The longhua bridge of heilongjiang province JiJiHaErShi Thai to southern county, this bridge was completed, it will become to countys longjiang and urban GuiZhou with the key link for the county come the economic benefits of powerful. Dragon overseas Chinese design technology index includes: bridge banisters can meet for 9 + 2 x1. 0 m, have the crowd load, the line level for first class road, design load for highway level, the length of 200 m bridge, the upper structure with 8 x25m of prestressed concrete beam bridge, the structure and the pillar type bridge and cast-in-place pile foundation, bridge headroom 7 m, bridge bottom not navigation. In longhua bridge design process, in strict accordance with the provisions of the relevant standards and requirements for design and audit, follow safety durability, beautiful and easy, economic and reasonable demand, the bridge is expected to reach the design requirements. Keywords: Prestressed conctete;Simple t girderbridge;Endogenic force computation;Cast-in-place pile foundation. . 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致



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