高中英语外研版必修二 Module 3 music.ppt

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Revision 1.听众 _________ 2.指挥 _________ 3.作曲家 _________ 4.音乐家 _________ 5.管弦乐队_________ 6.合唱队_________ 7. 钢琴 ________ 8. 吉他 _______ 9. 萨克斯风 ___________ 10. 小提琴 _______ Step 3 Intensive reading (Ⅱ) Read paragraph 3、4 and 5 about Mozart and match the time with the right information ( 5 minutes ). Intensive reading Decide if these sentences are true (T)or false (F) Beethoven was born in ( ) Beethoven learned to play the violin and piano from his father ,who was a singer.( ) Beethoven met Hayden in . ( ) Hayden encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.( ) When Beethoven became completely deaf , he composing .( ) Homework 用英语写一篇介绍Charlie Chaplin 的短文。 简历:1)1889年出生于英国伦敦 2)5岁开始演戏,17岁去了美国 3)1912年在美国第一次当演员 4)1977年逝世于瑞士 主要成就:一生中演过82部电影;被认为是电影史上最伟大最滑稽的演员之一;著名的代表作品:城市之光(City Lights),摩登时代(Modern Times) Fast reading (II) How many pieces of music did Mozart compose? 2. How old was he when he played for the Empress of Austria? 3. How long were Mozart and Haydn friends? He composed over 600 pieces of music. He was six years old. They were friends for ten years. Read paragraphs 3,4,5 toured Europe giving concerts play the harpsichord in a concert for the Empress of Austria showed musical talent Learned to play the harpsichord Started composing music composed many pieces for the harpsichord ,piano and violin at a very early age when he was 4 when he was 5 when he was 6 By the time he was 14 When he was a teenager Fast reading (III) Who taught Beethoven how to play the piano? 2. Did he stop composing when he became deaf? His father taught him. No, he continued composing when he became deaf. Read the last three paragraphs F T F T F Austria. Germany . 1790 1791 stopped continued Step 4 Read the text very carefully again, and fill in the blanks with proper words or phras


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