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摘 要
关键词 CAD;文档保护;置乱;加密算法
As a good industrial mapping software, AutoCAD has been extremely wide range of applications. However, with the extensive application of AutoCAD, many of the problems highlighted by gradually, which is particularly striking is that the document protection issues. As we all know, every one of the drawings are the wisdom of engineers, and the companys most direct interest. Engineering drawings of each company regarded as the most confidential documents, once leaked to the hands of competitors, the company will not able to estimate the losses.
AutoDesk has provided an excellent secondary development tools ObjectARX, through this tool we can very easily develop a plug-in AutoCAD software. We developed this as a tool for the protection of the document provided a possibility.
This paper discussed by the CAD document protection system scrambling modules, the CAD is to document the various entities in a reversible transform ation, the CAD documents from the specific circumstances after the information to hide its real and thus play a protective effect. In this paper, the focus is how to separate entities, for different entities to design the corresponding encryption algorithm. It also involves monitoring the behavior of users, software and AutoCAD software compatibility problems and other issues of the study.
Keywords CAD Document Protection Scrambling Encryption algorithm
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