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摘 要 由于社会在不断发展,互联网已经被千千万万的家庭所接收,公交查询在日常生活中占有很重要的位置。通过对公交信息管理系统的现状分析,考虑如何在日常生活中充分利用网络和计算机的优势, 使公交信息既能够得到及时有效的查询,又能得到高效的管理,并节省日常生活中的时间、提高效率。 本系统应用B/S结构,MVC模式采用S2SH框架技术编写,采用MySQL作为后台数据库。本系统论文的前言部分主要介绍了与该系统相关的国内外现状以及开发该系统在需求上,技术上的可行性,并介绍该系统开发用到的一些关键性的技术;当确定需求后,该论文的系统设计部分就介绍了具体该怎么去设计并实现该系统。然后该系统论文的系统实现部分再介绍具体实现的细节了。 该系统主要功能包括公交车线路信息查询,公交车论坛,公交新闻,公交车线路图,资源上传下载,用户留言,乘车指南,论坛管理,新闻管理,图片管理,资源管理,留言管理,维护个人信息等功能。 关键词:公交信息管理,B/S结构 ,S2SH框架 ,MySQL数据库 ABSTRACT With the development of the society, the internet has been accepted by millions of families. Through analyzing the present situation of the bus information management system, to consider how to make full use of Internet in our daily life and the advantage of computer, both to make the bus information, timely and effective query and can get efficient management, and save the time and improve efficiency of daily life. The system applied B/S structure, MVC pattern written by S2SH frame technology.The foreword of thesis of bus system introduces somthings about the system at home and abroad,and the Demand feasibility and the technical feasibility of developing the system.There are also introduce some key technology about this system.After confirm the demand,the part of the system design of thesis can tell us how to do the system.And then,the part of system implementation of the thesis let us know that how to coding to implements the system. The system main function includes bus information query, bus BBS, news, bus image center, resource upload and download, user messages, system introduction, BBS management, news management, image management, resource management, message management, maintenance of personal information, and other functions. Keyword: The bus information management, B/S structure, S2SH framework, MySQL Database 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮



