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大学生冲动性与网络成瘾的关系研究 摘 要: 目的:初步了解山西大同大学学生冲动性及网络成瘾的现状,从而进一步探讨大学生冲动性与网络成瘾之间的关系,为帮助大学生更好地使用网络、更深入地了解冲动性提供借鉴。 方法:采用冲动性量表第十一版(BIS-11)以及网络成瘾量表对山西大同大学120名大学生进行问卷调查。 结果: (1)P﹥0.05)(P﹤0.05)(2) 男大学生网络成瘾得分高于女大学生得分且具有统计学意义﹙T=1.895,P<0.05);大学生网络成瘾在是否是独生子女方面不存在显著差异﹙P﹥0.05﹚,独生子女与非独生子女得分比较接近,且差异不显著﹙T=-0.126,P﹥0.05)。(3) 大学生的网络成瘾情绪与冲动性及各个维度呈显著正相关,冲动性对网络成瘾有显著的正向预测作用,说明冲动性是影响大学生网络成瘾的重要因素之一。 结论:(1)大学生。(2)大学生。()大学生。 College students with iads compulsive relationship Abstract: Objective: The study is to understand the current situation of college students’ sense of the meaning of life and depression, and further to explore the relationship between their sense of the meaning of life and depression. Methods: 104 college students in Shanxi province are conducted a questionnaire survey of Crumbaugh &Ma’s PIL according to Frankl’s theory of meaning in life and SDS. Results: (1) College students in the sense of the meaning of life scores lower (M=94.78), and the target is uncertain.(2) The students’ sense of meaning of life in the gender, grade, or whether only children is no significant difference; There is an interaction in the grade and whether only children in a total score, only children and not only children students in grades are significantly different(F=3.433,P0.05).(3)The depression of students is in a middle-level(M=0.46). (4) There is no significant difference in gender or whether the child; In grade, each grade scores significantly different(F=2.718,P0.05), depression is most serious in seniors, and other grades of depression degree from serious to light follow by sophomore, junior, freshman; Gender and grade are on the interactions in depression score, different gender students in grades at this level is significant(F=4.415,P0.05) .(5) The sense of the meaning of life and depression have a significant negative correlation(R=-0.469,P0.01),twenty-two percent of the variation of the depression can be explained by the sense of meaning of life . Conclusion:(1) The current situation o



