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本科毕业论文(设计) 文献综述 超声辅助提油茶皂甙的初步研究 摘要 油茶(Camellia oleifera)是我国南方丘陵地区的一种重要油料植物。我国是世界上油茶籽产量最高、分布最广、品种最多的国家,年产油茶籽约54.98万吨,油茶籽副产品— — 油茶饼粕的年平均产量约为39.71万吨。经检测分析,油茶饼粕中富含蛋白质、脂肪、淀粉、茶皂素、粗纤维和灰分等。茶籽蛋白质含有18种氨基酸成分,其中8种是人体必需的氨基酸。因此,油茶饼粕是一种营养价值较高的潜在饲料来源。然而,由于油茶饼粕中含有10%~15%左右的溶血性茶皂素(Thea saponin),对鱼类等水生生物毒害性很强,茶皂素的存在又使饲料味苦且辛辣,因而限制了茶籽饼粕在饲料工业中的应用,造成巨大的资源浪费。 鉴于油茶资源的巨大浪费,本文从油茶饼粕中茶皂素的提取纯化着手,旨在实现茶皂素提取方法的改进和新方法的探索。 1.经过测定,试验用油茶种子的含水量为6.5%、出仁率为70.57%、出油率为25.05%,基本符合理论值。 2.通过正交试验得出利用超声波提取皂甙的最佳优化方法为:提取温度60℃,提取时间1h,料液比1:10,超声波功率60w,利用该工艺油茶皂素的提取量为7.9565g。 此试验结果降低了提取温度、减少了提取时间和试剂的耗费,初步解决了皂甙大规模生产的问题。 关键词:油茶,超声波,皂甙 Ultrasonic support to tea-oil tree soap Network preliminary study Biotechnology 02-1 Liu Supervisor Abstract South Hills is one of our important oil plants. China is the highest in the world apply paint to growing production and distribution of the broadest, most varieties, growing oil output of about 549,800 tons, growing by-product of oil--tea-oil tree Bingpo the annual average output of about 397,100 tons. Upon detection analysis, tea-oil tree Bingpo protein, protein, fat, starch, tea Zaosu, crude fibre and ash content. Growing protein containing 18 types of amino acid composition, which is eight essential amino acids the human body. Therefore, the higher the nutritional value of a tea-oil tree Bingpo potential feed sources. However, the tea-oil tree Bingpo contains 10%~15% hemolysis of tea Zaosu (Thea saponin), the fish and other aquatic noxious strong, and the existence of tea Zaosu feed and spicy taste, thus limiting growing Bingpo feed industry in the application, resulting in tremendous waste of resources. Given the tea-oil tree enormous waste of resources, this article from the tea-oil tree Bingpo Chinese tea Zaosu extraction to refining and extraction methods to achieve tea Zaosu improvements and new methods to explore. 1.After measuring, testing the water content in tea-oil tree seeds to 6.5%, a rate of 70.57% Yan, a rate of 25.05% oil, consistent with the basic theory of



