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本科毕业论文 企业并购中的财务风险及其防范的研究 : 江华 学院名称 经济管理学院 专业名称 会计 论文提交日期 ???年??月 日 论文答辩日期 ????年??月 日 摘 要 作为一种企业行为,并购因其能够为企业带来诸如规模经济、优化资源配置、组合协同等效应而为当今世界各国企业所追逐。在西方市场经济比较发达的国家,并购已经有一百多年的发展历史,并且出现过五次大的并购浪潮。在我国随着经济体制改革的不断深入和产业结构调整的不断推进,企业并购日渐活跃,一大批优秀的中国企业如联想、中海油等在海外并购中崭露头角,越来越受到政府、企业和社会公众的广泛关注。企业并购是通过产权转让实现企业控制权的转移和资源重组,是企业外部成长的一条重要途径,也是产品结构调整和管理制度创新的动力,在资本市场中正发挥越来越大的作用。但是并购作为一项复杂的高风险的资本经营活动,其背后蕴藏着巨大的风险。而在并购的诸多风险中尤以财务风险最为重要,这是因为并购中的其它风险最终都将影响到并购成本而表现为财务风险。科学系统的的财务风险管理机制,能够有效的防范与控制企业并购中出现的财务风险?。所以,研究企业并购财务风险对企业实现经济效益目标具有重大的现实意义,本文通过对企业并购财务风险的构成与成因分析,对我国企业财务风险的现状提出了防范措施。 关键字:企业并购 财务风险 风险防范 Financial Risk and Prevention?of?Enterprise Merger and Acquisition. (College of Economics and Management, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, 510642, China) Abstract As a kind of enterprise M A behavior, because it can bring for the enterprise such as economies of scale, optimizing the allocation of resources, coordination effect and is chased by the enterprises all over the world. In the western developed market economy countries, M A has a history of more than 100 years, and been five tides of merger and acquisition. In our country, with the adjustment of the deepening reform of economic system and industrial structure constantly, enterprise merger has become increasingly active, a large number of outstanding China companies such as Lenovo, CNOOC, cut a striking figure in overseas acquisitions, more and more by the government, enterprises and the publics attention. The enterprise merger and acquisition is the transfer of corporate control rights and the reorganization of resources through the transfer of property rights, is an important way for enterprises to grow outside, and also the power adjustment of product structure and the innovation of management system, is playing a more and more important role in capital market. But as a high risk complex M A activity of capital operation, which contains a great deal of risk. But in many risks of M A



