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毕业设计(论文) 课 题 名 称 数学期望在实际生活中的应用 学 生 姓 名 刘飞飞 学 号 1040802021 系、年级专业 理学系10级信息与计算科学 指 导 教 师 黄卫平 职 称 教授 2014 年 04 月 15 日 摘 要 数学期望是一门重要的数学学科,它是随机变量总体取值的平均水平,它是随机变量的重要数字特征之一,也是随机变量最基本的特征之一。在现代快速发展的社会中,数学期望作为概率论的一个重要分支在众多领域扮演越来越重要的角色,应用越来越广泛。通过几个例子,阐述数学期望在实际生活中的应用,包括经济决策、彩票抽奖、求职决策、医疗、体育比赛等方面的一些实例,使我们能够使用科学的方法对其进行量化的评价,平衡了极大化期望和极小化风险的矛盾,达到我们期望的最佳效果,更清楚的认识到数学期望的广泛应用性及其重要性。通过探讨数学期望在实际生活中的应用,以起到让大家了解知识与人类实践紧密联系的丰富底蕴,切身体会到“数学的确有用”。?所谓的求数学期望其实就是去求随机变量的以概率为权数的加权平均值,而平均值这一概念又是我们在实际应用中最常用的一个指标,在预测中使用是很具有科学性的。 关键词:数学期望;随机变量;应用;预测;决策 Abstract Is an important mathematical ecpectation of mathematics, which is the overall average value of the random variable, which is one of the important characteristics of the digital random variables, is one of the basic characteristics of a random variable. In the rapid development of modern society, the mathematical expectation as an important branch of probability theory play an increasingly important role in many areas, more and more widely. Through several examples to explain the mathematical expectation in real life applications, including some examples of economic decision-making, lottery, job decisions, health care, sports and other aspects, so that we can use the scientific method to quantify the evaluation of balance the expectation maximization and minimization of the risk of conflict, we expect to achieve the best results, a clearer understanding of the mathematical expectation of a wide range of applications and its importance. By exploring the mathematical expectation in real life applications, in order to play to let everyone know the rich heritage of knowledge and human practice closely linked, personal experience to Math really useful. The so-called mathematical expectation is actually seeking to find a random variable with probability-weighted average of the number of righ



