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学士学位论文 长春北郊污水处理厂污水深度处理工程设计 摘 要 淡水资源在全球范围内是非常宝贵和稀缺的资源,合理利用、节约用水、减少污染、污水处理、开发新技术等是必行措施。城市污水是水污染大户,故对城市污水进行处理并回用是保护环境与缓解用水危机的有效途径之一。 此次毕业设计是对长春市北郊污水厂深度处理工艺进行设计计算。经综合考虑后,本设计主体处理构筑物采用机械搅拌混合池、网格絮凝池和斜板沉淀池,经过处理后使污水达到国家的一级排放标准。二级处理后的污水经机械搅拌混合池充分混合后,进入网格絮凝池反应,形成大量絮凝体,而后进入斜板沉淀池,降低污水中的BOD,COD,SS,处理后的污水进入接触池消毒,达到排放标准。 本设计内容主要包括:处理方法的综述、工艺流程图的确定、主要构筑物尺寸设计与计算、主要设备选型、污水高程计算等方面。同时附有工艺流程图、平面布置图、、等主要构筑物的平面图及剖面图。本设计的完成将有利于污水的达标排放,减少对环境的危害。 Engineering design of advanced wastewater treatment for Changchun Northern suburb sewage treatment plant Abstract Fresh water resources in the global scope is very precious and scarce resources, reasonable use, save water, reduce pollution, sewage treatment, the development of new technology, is will do measures. Urban sewage water pollution is large, so the urban sewage treatment and reuse is to protect the environment and ease water crisis one of the effective ways. The graduation project is about the northern suburb of Changchun City wastewater treatment plant advanced treatment process design and calculation.After consideration,mechanical mixing pool,grid flocculation pool and inclined plate sedimentation tanks are adopted in this design,the effluent is made to attain The First Discharge Standard Of The Nation.After secondary treatment effluent mixed by mechanical mixing pool,into the grid flocculation tank react and produce large amounts of floc,then into the inclined plate sedimentation tanks,at the same time BOD,COD,SS are reduced.At last,it comes into the contact pool to antisepsis,making the effluent be up to the standard of the discharge. This design content mainly includes: the urban sewage treatment methods were reviewed, process flow diagram, the main structures to determine the size, the main design and calculation of equipment type selection, sewage elevation calculation, etc. At the same time a process flow diagram, the floor plan, flocculation pool, the inclined plate, the plan of the main structures traps and section. The design




